LIVE ... Cool Blue FM

[h5]HOME | coolbluetaupo[/h5] "The range of styles within the cool sound is fantastic. I love the blues and jazz blues, and the 50s and 4os era. I dont mind a little smaltz as long as it is cool and blue. I like being exposed to artists that I havent heard before, along with the songs and tunes of my dad that i can recall with out them having been a part of my direct musical experinence.They just seen to come from bits of my childhood that lie outside of my immediate thoughts. I like that.Especially the live recordings that are not commercial, or included on records commonly played. I guess its the wonderful music that appeals to those who love real music, not shortland street stuff. Keep it up!" M- Auckland [hr] [h5]Categories[/h5][size 16]Blues, Jazz[/size][h5]Social Media[/h5][link][img][/img][/link]

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